Seals common to Britain
There are two types of seal found close to the British coastlines ~ the grey seal (or horsehead seal) and the harbour seal (or common seal). Both are found in the cold waters around Scotland and the east of England, and the smaller harbour seal is also found off west Wales and Cornwall.
They come ashore to rest on the beach and bask, and to give birth, but spend most of their time swimming in the sea, catching any type of fish that comes their way. They can submerge for up to half an hour.
They are protected by the Conservation of Seals Act 1970, so cannot be hunted in Britain. However, fish farmers may apply for a licence which allows them to shoot any seals that threaten their stocks. Nevertheless, any kind of culling is opposed by animal welfare groups and sealskin jackets, boots and other products have long since disappeared from UK shops.
(Image: Hugh Venables at geograph.org.uk / CC BY-SA 2.0)