There is a myriad of opportunities for volunteering in the UK and it is doubtful that there would be so many services, clubs and community events on offer without the time and expertise freely given by enthusiastic volunteers.
For example, a charity shop needs people to sort donations, organise displays and serve customers. A sea cadets group needs adult leaders. An old people’s care scheme needs dog-walkers while the owners are incapacitated. Schools need parents to organise fêtes or sit on the governing body. None of these tasks have any monetary reward, but without people putting themselves forward to do them anyway, our society would seem much less caring and neighbourly.
Indeed, many people find that doing unpaid work is far more satisfying than their paid jobs. Others will have in the back of their minds that a volunteering role will sit very nicely on their C.V. (curriculum vitae ~ a summary of a person’s education and work) and potential employers do tend to see this as a plus point in the assessment of a candidate’s suitability.
(Image of volunteers working on maintenance of the Grand Union Canal: Mat Fascione at geograph.org.uk / CC BY-SA 2.0)